View every decision from the lens of its quantifiable impact on nature.
As you explore design scenarios, the Ecosystem Intelligence (EI) platform quickly translates nature’s relationships into tangible measurements. With a common unit of measure across the decision cycle, you can finally pinpoint the impacts, benefits, and tradeoffs of your decisions.
Understand the current condition of a site and explore the benefits provided by the land.
Conduct high-level gap analysis and support budgeting processes.
Perform detailed design analysis to optimize the ecological benefit of your design.
Monitor performance over time and support third-party verification.
Assess ecological change and evolving community needs.
Identify performance gaps to inform budgeting and design.
Apply site-level data and interventions to maximize benefit.
“There are a lot of organizations that have added up a bunch of silos to try to give a systematic view. EI is a solution that has a more complete way of doing the analysis, and also a way to make that approach more usable.”
Katherine Collins | Sustainable Fund Manager
Scientific rigor. No ecology degree needed.
Users of all skill levels can understand baseline conditions, explore cost-benefit possibilities, optimize site designs, and report on ecosystem performance.
Intuitive project setup
Establish site boundaries and map landcover types with just a few clicks—no design graphics or drawings required.
A common unit of measure
Each ecosystem service is reported on in relation to total number of site acres so you can understand the impacts, benefits, and tradeoffs.
Accounts for uncertainty
Adjust the confidence in collected data based on user experience level—and use resources that optimize clarity and educational value.
One platform to account for many diverse and complex relationships in nature.
Using a systems-based understanding of impacts and opportunities, the EI models allow you to visualize the co-benefits across climate, air quality, water, biodiversity, soil, and social factors. To keep up with shifting policies, ESG disclosures, and other mandates, the EI models are continuously refined with feedback from the EI Commons.
Learn more about the Ecosystem Services Cascade
No landscape too big or small.
The level of effort required to collect input data must align with the intended use of the outputs. That’s why the EI platform follows a modeling approach designed to capture the change associated with impacts/benefits provided on any parcel of land, with no minimum or maximum size requirement.
Footprint Level Analyses
These projects include facility siting decisions, stream restoration design scenarios, infrastructure siting decisions, etc.
It is important to understand how a specific location on the ground performs and may be affected by land use/design change.
Users are encouraged to create as many survey units as necessary to accurately characterize the area of impact, both in terms of baseline condition and planned changes.
General Landscape Analyses
These projects include high-level watershed management strategies.
Programmatic decisions are driving the analysis rather than specific design footprints.
Users are encouraged to create as few map units as possible, while still characterizing general landscape performance.